How to ask for help

To start with....this is a draft of something I've been thinking about. But I thought I'd type it up and get it out there and then work some more on it.

I had a conversation a couple nights ago that went something like this:

Random person: Help w/rfd
Random person: Help w/rfd
Random person: Plz
Me: You want help w/rfd?
RP: Yes
Me: What do you need help with?
RP: rfd
Me: What part
RP: all
Me: Tell me where you are in it and I can tell you where to find stuff
RP: How to get food?
Me: Food? What part?
RP: Ale, rotten tomato, dirty blast
Me: Go to Yanille bar for the ale, stockade for the tomatos and tree gnome stronghold bar for the blast
RP: Take me
Me: No, I am busy
RP: Plz
Me: No
RP: How do I get ale?

How to ask for help.

1) Be specific. Saying "Help me with quests" is not good. Saying "I need help with RFD" is marginally better. Better yet: "How do I find greenman's ale". But honestly, if you just say you need help with a quest....I know a lot of people who won't listen. It sounds too much like you want a walkthrough. If you say "I'm stuck on MM, can someone answer a question" you'll probably get a better response.

2) Pay attention when someone is giving you instructions. If you don't know where Yanille is (perfectly fair) then ask. But don't ask the same question over and over again. If you ask me something and my instructions don't make sense feel free to say "Yanille? Where's that." On the other hand, for the map. Learn to read it.

3) DON'T follow people and ask them for help. All you'll do is annoy them.

4) I am not going to drop whatever it is I'm doing to walk you through a quest. If it is on my way to something I would be happy to tell you to follow. If I have nothing else to do I may walk you through it. But....if you ask....and I say no....STOP ASKING!

5) Just because someone has a lower level then you doesn't mean they can't answer the question. If you are asking for general help listen to everyone.

6) If you ask the same question 3x in a row and no one answers, change the question.

Help me with RFD
Help w/rfd
I need help with RFD
Where can I find Greenman's ale

7) Don't ask a question and immediately follow it up with any of the following:

8) Just because I did the quest doesn't mean I remember it. I bet I couldn't name half the quests I've done. Sometimes you have to remind people a little about it.

9) If I can't understand you I can't help you. I know ALOT of people who don't help people because they simply DO NOT understand what is being asked.

10) Runescape has excellent forums. Some things are just better asked in this manner.

11) No matter how much you want to pay me I will not walk you through Monkey Madness/RFD/Any quest.

12) Repeat: Money can not buy you everything.

13) A few months ago someone offered me their password/account to do a quest for them. I declined and reported them. (I thought they were trying to scam me and get me in trouble). NEVER EVER NEVER EVER offer to give someone your account. No matter how annoying the task is.


Leni said...

LOL Jax! That's something that happens to any Runescape player, I am sure: people asking for help who really want YOU to do everything for them. Maybe I'm not as kind as you, but I really think this kind of conversation just reflects people's general laziness. They want a quest done cause of rewards, but they are too lazy to open the map!

More than once I had this "help with all" thing, and it annoys me deeply. No one is dumb enough he/she can't read instructions - plus, I find it completely disrespectful that someone thinks I will just drop what I am doing and walk them through a quest.

I am usually glad to help when the person has a real doubt. Yesterday, I was using the balloons from CW to the Crafting Guild, and someone asked for help in CW. He asked "Can you tell me where the teak trees are?". I walked with him to the tree, the guy thanked, and that was cool.

I was going to say we should have a guide on how to ask for help, but if they're too lazy to read the map, let alone a guide... *sighs*

Vaskor said...

Right on. Very good set of rules.

Anonymous said...

Nice to have a guide from someone who thinks the way I do.

If people are polite and ask things I will normally help, if they don't say please I very often don't even respond.

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