November 29, 2007

A day for doing random things. Since the Grand Exchange's come out I've had a few of them.

First thing, did some farming. I've got a few tree seeds left and have been farming the allotments (cabbage and herbs) quite a bit. Using up all my low level seeds. Got 70 Farming. I have some poison ivy seeds so I'll plant the poison ivy bush for Varrock diaries later this weekend. Continued farming and found myself in Catherby. Did my usual seaweed/pineapple/banana shopping. While waiting for my energy to come back from the running of farming (and of kingdom of misc) I did some fletching. Bounced right up to 69 Fletching. I don't pay much attention to fletching but if I'm waiting for someone at a bank and my bank is organized I'll do one or two loads of logs. That gave me 1610 levels overall, a nice way to wind down November.

Then I went and tried Barrows for the first time. It doesn't seem too hard if you pay attention and bring the right stuff. I can see how some people enjoy it. Not sure if it's for me. I'll make more runs this weekend and find out.

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