December 22, 2007

I went to do my Tears of Guthix. Got to 60 Construction. I find it really annoying that once again that even though I have 79 agility I manage to consistently fall into the river as I hop across the rocks.

Ectoed a few more dragon bones and got to 70 Prayer.

Finally got to 70 Herblore! Thanks to my handy dandy whiteberry shrub. I like it so much better then having to go to Lleyta and mess around there.

Couple of days worth of the Jade Vine and I hit 70 Slayer. Which rounds things out to 60 Construction and at least 70 for everything else.

Been trying a few little experiments. Went through my bank and sold off stuff I knew I wouldn't use. Like all my irons arrows and knives. And if I had more then 500 of something (other then runes) I sold it down to 500. I also sold off a lot of pineapples since they are selling for a ridiculous price. I was going to buy pure essense with the cash's 120gp ea. I think that may be where the post autoer world price settles...but I'm waiting.

So what did I do with all that cash? Dragon Bones.....yeah for all that I got a few hundred dragon bones. I learned a few tricks about the Grand Exchange and pricing. And I'll probably rarely buy "consumable" leveling supplies. It's not that I think it's good or bad, but I think I can probably keep moving along getting mostly my own stuff and just buying stuff that I'm not able to make yet (or waiting til I can make it).

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