December 24, 2007

Been running my daily route.

Varrock-Plant tree, buy battlestaffs
Ardy-Check jade vine and grab whiteberries
Catherby-Plant herbs, plant fruit tree, buy pineapples and seaweed
Yanille-Visit Bert, plant hops
Ardy (late night)-Kill and replant Jade Vine, grab whiteberries, boat to Karamja to check fruit tree

Is there anything else that we are limited to doing daily? I know I could get more tree planting in but this scheme is more a matter of convenience then leveling.

Otherwise, I've been on Ape Atoll workin agility. Made it to 81 Agility today.

Ranked 4545 in Agility. 64188 overall.

Here's a funny thing though, I have less then 21 million xp. If I had a 99 cape that would then be about level 50 in all 22 other skills.

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