December 29, 2007

Yesterday while doing my daily route I hit 72 Farming. I'm working on refining a daily route of stops to make. Part of that is fruit tree and herb farming. Not really trying to level as I am to make steady progress each day and use up what I have in the bank. Farming...for not something that can be powerleveled. I try to plant a bit each day but not hit every single possible spot.

Today. Last of the clan events to disperse their bank. Kind of sad that it's come to this but overall I think I support the changes to trading, but I'm still waiting for all the changes to take effect before I make a decision. While waiting to get my items I worked on crafting. I had already made a bunch of glass. So while waiting I made glass orbs. Made it to 71 Crafting!! What really pleases me is that I have all the blue d'hides from gathering dragon bones for prayer. By the time I finished with the orbs and attaching them to the staffs I had I was close to leveling. Hopefully I can pick up a couple more crafting levels based on supplies I have.

Started doing some little things for summoning. I don't want to gather a bunch of stuff until I know what has to happen. But I kind of "along the way" gathered some stuff.

My kingdom is gathering maples. So I'll have plenty of bird eggs (have about 20 now). Killed zombie pirates for a karathamlu (took forever to just get the one), have about 20 steel bars (notice the openings for items in the smithing tables? I think it ties into summoning), and I made a few fishbowls (the squid's gotta live in something).

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