February 17, 2008

Made it to 78 Hunter 2 days ago. Currently real life home remodeling has me a bit distracted from RS.

Sunday night met up with some friends and hunted KBD/KQ/Chaos Elementals. I'd never fought the KBD before and had only visited the other 2 once. Nothing great drop wise but it was interesting to go nonetheless. The chaos trip was a mess because we kept running into revenants that were just as tough as the elementals.

Had an interesting chat with a friend about training. I'll roll this into one thought as there are a number of things I'd touch on here.

I think anyone who has played RS for awile has experienced this. You are standing in a bank or you get a PM that says "I have million gp to spend. What should I buy?" This has always confused me. Are they really looking for a complete stranger to tell them what to buy? Do they have full barrows? Full dragon? 99 in every skill? To me, there's a lot more things I want to buy then cash I have. Ever.

So then...I fall for it. I say "Dragon bones and ecto them" or "work your lowest skill". Here's what I find happens:

1) There's a LOT of people who say "I have 70 prayer, don't need more.". That may be true in that prayers don't go higher then 70. However, 1/3 of 80 is more then 1/3 of 70, meaning each dose of prayer potions gives you more bang for your buck. And prayer lasts longer, which is handy. Is that enough of a reason to spend money raising it? That depends on your goals. Which is really what you should figure out before you start spending money.

2) The money isn't enough for something great (guthan's/dragonfire shield let's say). So they want something that will be great but for less money. Which doesn't really exist. Hence them standing there yelling or pming.

So what would I do with some extra money? Assuming that there is such a thing?

1) I don't like the idea of buying leveling supplies before 70 in a skill. Most of them level pretty fast up to that point (or around there). After that point it does change and I can see using money to buy leveling supplies.

2) I think "gear" is better money spent then supplies. If you buy something like a dragonfire shield you can use it to level faster. Then, when you are done, you have the option to sell it and recoup some of your money. At a minimum when starting out there's the need for rune axes, picks, armor etc. I like to have 2 of everything so one can stay as a bank placeholder.

3) There's nothing you are going to buy, use to level and get really rich. Maybe small profit. Maybe not. Depends on the market that day. Yes, flax to bowstrings is profitable. So is making runes. But that's a lot of work. Usually that's not an acceptable answer.

4) There is NOTHING wrong with saving your money. I had a few million and noticed that the price of dragon bones had dropped on the GE. By a lot. So I bought a lot. Got a level plus that way. Prices are now about 500gp higher then what I paid for mine. But to do that you have to have savings.

Rambling now. Going to work on another theory I have and may post it tomorrow.

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