February 20, 2008

Not much hunting today. My friend Wendi got 99 Cooking!! So I hung out and cooked some monks.

Congrats Wendi!!

Did my usual farming rounds. Had a mini-epiphany. Why not just do a herb run everyday? I'll need tons of herbs to hit 82 (long term goal). I can buy seeds for much less then what the herbs willl cost. I investigate a bit and found a seed that is selling for less then 1 herb of it's kind costs. Not the greatest cash (not sure if it's "profitable") but I won't take much of a loss and I'll end up with a ton of a potion I personally will find useful. So I bought 100. I'm only planting 3 fruit trees a day. The other two (papaya and palm) I pick the fruit daily. When I get a new papaya/palm I'll replace the old ones. That should guarantee me a steady supply. (Since I'm only using seeds from my kingdom this shouldn't be a problem)

Did Tears. New personal best of 151!! That equals 37 Summoning. Which also makes me ranked 49,285!! Finally cracked that 50k barrier.

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