Normal People Farming Part 3

FEEDBACK IS WELCOME. **Original table I miscalculated a few things. New Table added**

Yesterday and today's posts are dedicated to all the people who've bugged me with the what question. And the where. And the how. If you have further quetsions post them in the comments. There will probably be another version of this in the future.

If you search the last month's worth of posts you'll see my farming table. Nothing really exciting and nothing that you can't find 100 other places.

But none answer the WHAT to farm question. So I created a new table. You'll have to click on it to make it readable.

If you don't read to read further here's the spoiler: Avantoe and Cadantine.

Now for those of you who want a more developed answer here we go:

1) At the bottom of the payment where column is the key. It should help you figure out the best way to get payments for your crops. Someone asked for it and there it is.

2) There's notes at the bottom of the picture. In brief just know that the cost per planting is the per seed cost times the number of seeds needed to plant the crop 1x.

3)Cost/XP*100. I multiplied it times 100 because other there would be too many ugly decimal places to manage. Basically it's the cost of planting something divided by the amount of xp you get. The lower the number the better the value. Median is 102. So, those items highlighted in red are in the lower half of the costing. For those of you who didn't listen to me and are buying seeds, this is what matters to you. (Any number greater then 100 means you are paying more then 1 gp per experience point.)

4) XP/Minute. Took the total planting XP column and divided by the time it takes to grow. This is NOT a calculation for how much xp you get for each minute you farm. This is a calculation of how much XP you get for keeping a farming patch occupied with that particular crop/tree/bush/whatever. Those items in Yellow are the ones that provide a return on a per minute basis higher then the median.

So why is my answer Avantoe and Cadantine. Each cost less then 1gp per experience point. Both give good xp per minute that they are growing.

Keep in mind I assumed you'd get 8 vegetables or 8 herbs per harvest. What that means is everything has to be supercomposted, you use magic sectauers and that you plant things that are 8-10 levels below your current level.

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