March 17, 2008

Did the usual rounds. Got a slayer task of 13 bronze dragons. First time I went, forgot my antifire potions. Decided to mage a few dragons since I was already there and wanted to see how it worked.

Had to eat a lot. Killed 3 dragons total. Got dragon legs (woot!). I'll probably sell the legs as I think I could put the money to better use then the armor. Finished off that task and got 111 Trolls. Worked on that for the rest of the night. While maging the bronze dragons I got 79 Magic. Hit 78 Hitpoints while fighting the Trolls. I finally remember that I had the Guthan's armor and could use it so I didn't have to contantly restock on food.

I've been keeping a notepad document on my desktop. At the top of it is a list of things to do daily (buy battlestaffs, farming run, pineapples etc). And then there are reminders of things to do. There's one part that's basically "next time you are on ape atoll buy more monkey nuts" and another which is the "weekly tasks" list. It's worked out really well in keeping me on task.

Notice how things sometimes seem to go in cycles? Lately it seems there's a lot of people in various clan chats and private messages that basically say "I'm bored, do something with me." I usually reply with what I'm doing and that they are welcome to join me. But they usually reply that what I suggest is not what they are looking for and then continue to whine. I'm going to chalk it up to a fullmoon. Just seems....odd?....that what should be fun and interesting for you makes you bored. Sometimes I just want to say "log out and do something else".

And by the way, I play with my public chat on 99% of the time. So if you want to PM me feel free. If I don't answer immediately please don't continue to spam me. Just assume I'm doing something and I'll see your message and reply shortly. And let me know why you're PMing me too. Just saying hi is fine. But I've gotten a few...weird...weird people lately and just like to know what's going on.

1 comment:

Vaskor said...

Wow! Very lucky with those dragons :-)

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