April 22, 2008

I've been taking a little break from RS, well, mostly a break from blogging. Just didn't feel like writing anything. Probably because I've had my brain full of writing stuff for real world stuff.

Anyways, Saturday I got 77 Herblore and then today I got 76 Attack. That's 1810 total! Woot!

Herblore Thoughts:

I've experimented with a couple of different methods of herblore/farming xp. I bought 500 irit seeds awhile back when they were cheap. I've done the same with avantoe. I finally realized that there's 1k xp difference between planting Avantoe and Lantadymes (5 stops). My goal in regards to herblore is to farm my herbs and make enough money from the pots/herbs to continue purchasing seeds and seconds.

Here's what works best for me (you may not want to do this):

Plant 7-8 snapdragons each week. That generates enough cash to:

Buy more snapdragon seeds (5-6 each week)

Buy 5 cadantine, 5 kwuarms, 10 avantoe, 5-10 irits, 5 dwarf weed, 5 lantadymes and about 7 or 8 toadflax. I plant about 50 herb seeds a week. I could make a little more money if I farmed ranarrs, but the XP for snaps is worth the cash difference.

I make pots out of everything but the snapdragons. I don't sell the pots I make (notice that they pretty much allow me a number of super sets, anti-fire pots, range pots etc).

This is not a fast method to leveling farming or herblore. But it's cheap and consistent. Which, if you've been following my blog at all you'd know that's what I try for.

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