April 6, 2008

Did the math. Gilded altar makes complete sense. So I bought the supplies needed. Now to get the levels.

Spent a bit of time on it today. Got to level 68 Construction. 2 more to go. I want to get construction to 70 just to say all my skills (except summoning of course) are at 70 now. Maybe even 71 now that I think about it.

Anyways, did a bunch of herb rounds. Finally got my bank back in order. Sold off a lot of random stuff (note: Dwellberries sell really well as do low level seeds.) Went from no room in my bank to 4 free rows. I thought it would take forever to fill all that bank space they gave us a few months ago.

Oh and my goals for this month:

1820 levels
79 Slayer
79 whatever other combat skills will go up with slayer
71 Construction

I'm working on a new daily routine and weekly plan. I'll post it when I get it more formulated. Farming passed Agility as my highest skill. I miss agility. I want to work it 1x a week just for the fun of it.

1802 total.

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