December 2, 2008

85 Firemaking. 9 more levels to go before I get my fire adze.

I've noticed that most high level farmers are women. Is this really true? I know there's guys who have high levels in farming, but most of the high level ones I've meant are women. Hmmmm.

After I got my firemaking level I went and hunted some chins. It was late so I thought it would be easier to find a spot. You know how some locations/skills tend to have nice people while others have jerks. Yeah, I think hunters lean toward jerks. (Farmers, smiths, monkfishing tend to be nice). I was hunting along (in a PvP world since it's sometimes easier) and this guy logs in and stabs me. Ok fine. It's PvP so I'm not going to complain. I tele out and then log. Next world (also PvP). More hunting. Guy logs in. Starts complaining about how all worlds are full and tells me to jump. I don't think he has the levels to kill me but I had a strong suspicsion that he was going to call his friends. Hopped again. Found another world. Another person shows up. He and I start chatting. Then 3rd guy shows up. The three of us hunted quite busily for half an hour. Which proves my theory that each hunting spot can support multiple hunters. And that some hunters are nice (ok, so I might retract part of my previous statement).

Played my last game of Stealing Creation. I find this game a lot of fun. But really frustrating since a couple of guys spent their time killing everyone on my team. I wish they'd have a team chat kind of thing so that we could coordinate. And I don't find it fun that everytime I try to move I get stabbed. Not crying about it, I certainly have plenty of other options. Just going to stay away from there as I find Pking annoying. (Actually, I find PK'ers annoying.) The game is biased away from skillers and I'm not really interested in being a killer so there you go.

1 comment:

G said...

You're not alone in thinking PK'ers are annoying. I hate to generalize, I'm sure there's some nice ones there somewhere. It would be one thing if it were a fair fight, but it never is. Also, just the general overall attitude is the same as those who play the game only to boast about how much gp they have.

My friend has her skillcape in hunting and has always said that hunters are jerks. She managed to make it through with a smile, but people just come along, and jump in front of you and say stupid things for no reason. It's why I've had so much trouble with the skill, not that its hard, just the aggrivation.

It's a shame Stealing Creation has been dominated by PK. In theory, it sounds almost like a perfect marriage between skills & cb. Maybe we can set up a match using only our friends or something.

And good luck with the 2k levels! That's awesome :)

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