January 25, 2009

96 Farming. Finally. Not going to get a farming level in February, which is too bad since I've gotten at least one every month since I started.

I think only my kingdom and random nests can provide seeds. If I'm wrong let me know, but I think I'll be powering up woodcutting soon.

Otherwise just doing my daily routine for the rest of the month, working on getting 9mill agility and 92 firemaking for that adze.


Vaskor said...

You can also get tree seeds from some Implings (Nature and above). I found Nature Implings to be quite generous with Curry tree seeds.

Also the Giant Mole hunting can be used to get tree seeds, though, in my experience, Nature Implings were better.

G said...

It's looking like our clan's February skill to work on will be Woodcutting, so if you need some company, just give a yell.

Another way to get seeds is by trading in mole skins & claws from under Fally garden. I rarely get any top level ones, but might be worth it if you get sick of wc.

Grats again on the level!

Go Duke!

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