April 3, 2009

What can I say? Did some woodcutting, chased some evil trees, mined some stars. Farmed, chatted with Zaff and Arhein (I really wish Zaff would teach Arhein how to sell things in a noted way).

While I was waiting for my various distractions I alched the stockpile of air battlestaffs I've acquired and ended up with 89 Magic.

I was thinking of getting 99 in a few skills. The more I think about it the more that doesn't appeal to me. There's a few skills that I'll probably get a cape in before the end of summer. But I've always liked to change skills. I know I know, that's no way to get maxed. But I don't really have a goal of being maxed. I just like to work on things as the mood strikes me and test out ideas I have.

Anyways, we'll see.

1 comment:

G said...

Train what you like as long as you're still having fun :)

I can't make the SC game, going to opening night to watch my Phils.

I was told there's an ongoing skill only SC game and have played it a few times when I've run out of tools and was a few days away from your event. Same rules as you with the only exception being you have to wield a bow to prevent accidental hits. I won't post it because of crashers, but if interested you know where to find me :)

PS - dig the new layout. Glad you moved the skill banner back to the top.

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