This morning I check the RS site while eating breakfast to see if, maybe, we got an update. Yes, I know, updates don't happen on Fridays but it doesn't hurt to look. Anyways, I saw the post with the links to the various clan stuff that Jagex is starting to dabble in. I'd been thinking about how Jagex, Runescape and clans are intertwined and what they can all do to help each other.
I will say that I've been playing RS for over 3 years now. And I've been in some combination of clans/guilds/associations for most of that time. Pk, skiller, formal structured, informal chat based....all of them.
The thing that I hope Jagex realizes is that it's clanning (in all it's odd little forms) that makes people stick around. If you never talked to anyone in game, if nobody showed up to your leveling party or joined you in some moment of stupidity, how much fun would that be? It's an MMO for reason, it's the social aspect that keeps us coming back.
With that in mind I wonder why Jagex doesn't give us a better way to manage clans/affiliations.
I know that there is clan chat, but it's really friends chat.
What I would like to see at a minimum:
An official clan registry and true clan chat functionality.
Registering a clan:
How this would work: Clan leader goes into the "Create Clan" tool and does the following:
1) Registers a name and optional abbreviation.
2) 100 word short description including any membership requirements
3) Check box for RSOF or off site forum. If it's RSOF a little box opens so they can put in the quick find code. (I'm not even going to touch how to manage the offsite forums stuff, just a check box here is fine).
4) Posts a 'structure'. Basically a list of titles that the clan can create (leader, capt, event chair, member, plebe etc). Each title will have the following options: Add new titles/promote/demote, mute, accept members, post to clan notes, remove member, invite.
5) Radio boxes for: Clan, Player Owned City, Corporation, Minigame Only, Other (or whatever other option)
6) Name of their chat "room". This could be any name (within Jagex bounds) and it would be what people use to log into chat. This would be in lieu of using an individual's chat.
7) A list of all members. (See below for how this would work).(It would be wonderful is this could be uploaded as .csv so that some poor person doesn't have to type in each person's name individually).
Clan Listing:
There should be a listing of all registered clans. Just a big long list showing clan, creation date, leader(s), population. You can click on a link and it will show you a full listing of member's, the 100 word description and there should be a link at the bottom to "Join".
Clicking on the join will send a notification to everyone in the clan with the "Accept" option that you want to join. Someone who can accept will then go to the clan management tool and click "accept".
My Clan Page:
All members will have access to this but it will be different for everyone. It can be in game or a seperate page. (Though I'd put it in game as a button).
A calendar for events etc.
A bulletin board for notices. These can be player generated (Come to our Slash and Burn on Friday) or they can be system generated (JoeSmith wants to join).
Majors events (pulled from adventurer's log)
Listing of all clanners and their last log in time.
For those with elevated permissions they could have the ability to add, remove, accept and invite members.
Private messages (clanners can leave for other clanners), invites from other clans and other individual only information.
Invite-By which I mean if I want someone to join I can send them an "Invite". You can only send out 10 invites a day and a person can choose to set themselves to "No Invite" and block incoming invites.
I'm working on my ideas around a clan chat.......that'll post up this weekend.
1 comment:
Oh wow! This is really interesting stuff.
I love reading your blog and about your adventures ^^
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