May 4, 2010

Fishing 90
Dungeoneering 55
Total 2265

My last 3 fishing levels all come from fish flinging and rock chasing. Pretty pleased about it. 15 minutes a day (maybe 2x on weekends). Up to a standard tackle box now too. It's not stand around and get bored fishing (and the rocks come pretty fast) so I'll probably keep flinging fish til it's not fun anymore (I suspect that'll be about the time I get a champion's tackle box).

As for dungeoneering, it just makes sense to me to limit myself to Friday and Saturday. Otherwise there's too many interruptions and other things for me to do. I'm maxed on floors but don't feel like resetting prestige. Maybe I'll do two weeks of tears, maybe I'll feel like resetting next weekend. For the most part, when I'm in the dungeons I focus on doing what I need to get to the next floor. Except.....I'm making pouches like crazy. Just picking up stuff and tapping the obelisks (so much faster now that we don't need shards or pouches). Seems pouches alch for about 75% of the smuggler price for the secondary item. So if you start with some cash you can usually use up most of your charms. The other thing is, I make a lot of potions. Both these skills are expensive and slower outside of Daemonheim then inside. When I two man a dungeon my friend goes off and cleans up the last couple rooms (assuming we've killed the boss) and I make pots and pouches. We split the xp so it's a bonus for him as my summoning is higher then his and he makes some decent xp for free. Not a style for everyone but it works for us.

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