What Is A High Level

With the introduction of the ZMI altar I've been hearing a lot about it being not for high levels, it is for high levels blah blah blah.

So what is a high level?

In RS there are 3 levels that a person can work have.

1) Combat level. This is the number over your (and everyone else's) head. It has two functions. Some quests require a certain combat level (Dream Mentor) and it determines who can fight you in the wildy. This is also the only level that you can "fake". By which I mean, you can manipulate the way the game calculates this level to give others an artifical idea of what your abilites are.

2) Skill level. Ok here's where it gets interesting. I think we can all agree that 99 is a high level :D. I know people who think high level is 80 or above. Really? 80 or above farming, herblore, or runecrafting....heck...I'd give you high level status at 70.

3) Overall levels. Ok....look....1800 levels I would say is high. My friends who have 1800 say 2000 is high. My friends with 1000 say 1400 is high. Total level seems to be very relative. But let me just point out something. 80 times 23 is 1840. I would argue that 80 is high level in any level. Therefore, 1840 seems a reasonable number to peg as high level. (Yeah yeah I know, most people don't keep all their skills even. But for the sake of argument.....)

What's my point in this? None really. Other then high level is very relative. And, I think, unreasonable.

Most people who play RS aren't hard core forum readers. They are casual 5-10 hours a week type of folks. And for them level 50 is high level. I know what it took me to get my levels and I have a pretty fair idea from simple math (total xp for level/xp per hour) what it takes for others to get their levels.

I'd be interested in hearing what others think are high levels for skills and overall.

I'm working on this little side project for my 2nd year goals. In the process of putting that together I've put together this post. They are not related directly but when you see my little 2nd year goals project this will make more sense.

1 comment:

Luckybucket said...

Always and interesting topic in my mind...

I'd say high level for anything would be under rank 100,000. It's easier for some skills than others, such as Runecrafting, as not many train it high, and it's easy to pass given the effort. However, compared to the rest of the gamers, you're likely to be above them. For combat, I'd say 110 is when it starts to actually get high. 100 is a big goal for most people, and is hard to reach, but there are many many MANY people near that level range, even if it's not too easy to achieve. Going to 110 and beyond starts to show a contrast in the regular combat levels of players, so would be considered high in my opinion.

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