Finally finished my blue dragons task last night. That got me to 73 Range. And it also got me around 160 dragon bones. I'm hoping that things get better with Blue Dragons soon. I know I can kill the babies but they don't drop them dragon bones.
Anyways, planted a round of trees and went off to ecto the bones. 68 Prayer.
Talked to Chaelder to get my slayer assignment. Got 160 Daganoths. Borrowed a friend's cannon. Made a bunch of cannonballs. WOW!! My first time using a cannon for a slayer task. That went fast! He's letting me borrow it for a little while. Made some more cannonballs just to celebrate.
Then went and did some mining at the Grand Tree. (I like mining here because I use the mix of gold and iron with a bit of mithril thrown in.) Smithed it all (and made even more cannonballs) and got to 68 Smithing. I can make all mithril armor now!! Go me.
Then killed my Jade Vine and got to 69 Slayer.
Then knocked out about an hour at Pyramid Plunder and got to 68 Thieving. Whew...lots of levels. But all of them were really close when the day started.
That got everything up to 68. I've been doing things that help multiple skills which has set things up nicely. I'm hoping to get a few more levels this month towards all 70s. Then, I may work on agility and hunter for December just for a change of pace (2 skills instead of all of them).
And the Grand Exchange opened today. I posted items for sale. Sold a bunch of ale, one at a time but I didn't mind. I'd just check with a bank every so often and pick up my cash. Posted a bunch of maples and tree seeds. They haven't sold yet, but I'm enjoying the bank space. If they don't sell in a week I may swap them out. Right now there's no difference to me about what I have for sale in the Exchange vs in my bank. Other then on the Exchange at least someone may buy them sometime. I think the Exchange is necessary and useful. There's going to be some adjustments to it over the next few months (and probably some price adjustments too) but overall I think it's going to solve a variety of problems.
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