June 26, 2008

Finally made it to 89 Farming 2 days ago.

And got steel dragons for a slayer task. Now, I can often work around things and deal but this takes the cake. There's only one place where you can find steel dragons. And that place is camped, severely. When I first got the task I went to Brim, after hopping a number of worlds I gave up finding a spot. So I farmed and did some other skills. Then, later in the day, tried again. And again, and again. I even weeded my yard, washed the dog. You get the picture. I even bit the bullet, loaded up 20 pots and just thought I'd power through it. That worked kind of well. About every 5th dragon someone would show up and push me out of my spot. Got the original 49 cut down to 19. And then tonight I found a spot (late at night as usual) and finally got done my task.

Jagex needs to release an area for mid-high level slayers only that has steel dragons. Or better yet, a Jax only dungeon :D.

1 comment:

Kitt said...

Everyone wants a visage and d legs. Overcrowding is why I skip metal dragon tasks.

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