June 27, 2008

Finally finished that steel dragons task. Duradel took pity on me and gave me Dust Devils. Lovely!

After doing all my daily rounds I geared up and popped into the chaos tunnels. Got 82 Hitpoints first and after about another 50 dusties hit 79 Slayer!

Going to lay down my arms for a bit now. Slayer spots are completely overrun. Even though it wasn't as bad as steel dragons killing the dusties it was still a bit competitive for spawns (however I will say the people are a lot more reasonable to deal with).

Realized I have enough planks to get a couple of construction levels. Started building armor stands. They give more construction xp since you get 10 con xp per armor item-so 30 total per armor stand. An armor stand requires 2 planks each.

If I were to build larders I could build 3 with 24 planks. Or I could build 12 armor stands. The larders DO go faster, but the armor stands will give me an extra 360xp per 24 boards. That's saving me 6 boards. Nearly 3k gp. Plus, I get 25 smithing xp per stand. That doesn't sound like a lot but every 2 basically equals 1 gold ore (450gp).

Would I recommend powerleveling with armor stands? Only if you were really worried about money. It is a bit slower as I said before since you have to build and remove 12x instead of 3. But if you want to get a couple of levels and you are near a smithing level it might be worth it.

71 Construction.

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