August 3, 2008

Cleaned up my bank a bit. Been using the lumby ring to alch things I find that aren't worth a lot but still......

When I farm I have these little blocks of time that I need to restore run energy. Or I could drink a pot. Usually though, I stand at a bank and make some pots, alch a few things etc. The ring's handy for that. (yes, I do know it restores run energy too, I use them regularly).

Today couldn't focus and kept jumping from activity to activity. Was able to get 76 Thieving though. Burned some shades, farmed a bit etc.

I wanted to work on my rune defender but it was a little crowded in the Cyclops room. So I got a giant pouch instead. One item scratched off the list :D


Anonymous said...

Get yourself some terrorbirds! They're dead cheap, restore run energy, and carry 12 items (which is useful when farming –-in case you get a bumper crop of herbs and need room to hold them).

Jax said...

I have a ton of terrorbirds. Sometimes I use them for farming. Sometimes I like that nice little break between blocks of farming....just depends on my mood.

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