March 10, 2009

Forgot to post 91 Hunter, got 92 Hunter last night. I've finally found a spot that's quiet, fast and out of the way of the Idiotpalooza that tends to be around hunter. Honestly, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Maybe because I've moved out of the way.

I will say this though. I try to be helpful. As much as I grouse about it I'll give directions or explain (to an extent) what I'm doing. However, I'm fundamentally lazy. And if I can't understand someone or I know that they are intentionally being a distraction/idiot I'll just ignore them.

And by the way: Looks like Jagex just announced the Jagex Cup. Not on the front page, but if you look in the forums.Scroll down. Keep going. Get to the clans section. At the bottom. Jagex Cup!!!!!

Woot!! I'm looking forward to this.

1 comment:

AndyMaster24 said...

I read about it on one of the RS fansites I am still active on. :)

Looked awesome, wish your clan luck (I am assuming you will register for one of your clans :P).

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