March 24, 2009

Been doing my daily farming rounds and a trying to catch 1,000 chinchompas a day. Should reach my goal of 2055 levels for the month but not the 97 in Farming or Hunter. Not bad though.

So after 2.5 years of playing RS there's still things I just don't understand.

1) Happens at stars/woodcutting/hunting. I'm just standing there doing my thing and someone walks up. "wc levels". I know they want to know my woodcutting levels (I DO understand the question) but why? I can think of only 3 reasons:
  • They are looking for someone for advice or to get an assist from
  • They are looking to see if they can bully me out of my hunting/woodcutting spot
  • They want to brag about their high levels

I'll say this. As part of my grumpiness I almost never answer this question. If I'm in a bank and it looks like someone is looking for an asisst I will. But generally speaking I find nothing good comes out of it.

2) I'm in clan chat. Someone says "Think I can do Dragon Slayer at 95?" So then someone says sure, I did it at 80 and then it becomes a competion for who did it at the lowest level. Assocatied with that is someone who says "I need help with MM." So first question is what level they are and what are they stuck on. Then someone will say something like "Noob, how can you have 26 million fishing and not be able to do that quest?" (Yes, that is a quote I heard in clan chat one day). Honestly, I don't care what level you could do something. Yes, it does take some skill to do MM at 50 or whatever. But insulting people, to me, is an auto fail. Maybe that person doesn't like combat, or has been around a long time but not done quests. I don't get why people are so caught up in insulting each other sometimes.

I'm looking forward to the Jagex Cup. Would like to knock out a few more levels. I think Jagex is going to have some problems with the whining (really, when do people not whine?) but it should be fun.

1 comment:

G said...

You know how when somebody asks you about their fantasy football team, they're only really asking because they want to talk about their own fantasy football team... I view it like that.

I hate those questions and the one-upmanship of the game.

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