August 19, 2009

84 Herblore on the 15th
87 Summoning on the 16th

Got to kill the Odd Man's Skeletal Beast thing. A little disappointed. I can kill the Jade Vine Daily for 2x the xp that I get for the skeletal beast. And the beast was a harder quest.

Anyways, it seems that Jagex is loving these little mini-distractions and diversions.

I'm almost used to not farming anymore. So now the pattern is Jade Vine, Bork, Battlestaffs, Flax, Sand, Pineapples, Seaweed. Although I'm only really consistent about the first 3.

I've been doing a lot of runecrafting and herblore. Herblore when I'm standing around waiting for someone and runecrafting the rest of the time. Not the most exicting skill but making good money.

I think my next goal is going to be all 85 by Halloween. That'll be my 3 year anniversary. Was thinking of that for awhile and wasn't sure if I would be able to get it. But I think I'm getting pretty close and it's doable in the time allowed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jax this is Andy, sorry I haven't been on to get bstaffs in a few days, cause this happened:

So I'm all excited and stuff. :)

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