September 13, 2009

Slayer slayer and more slayer.

Lost track of my tasks, but they were fairly fast and pain free. Trying to decide if I should buy a Sara Sword. I'm not working slayer past the next 100k xp so I don't see a reason to have one, on the other hand it'd be nice to have a good weapon.

Working on an update to my summoning guides. I will say this....the geyser titan is amazing. I really think that summoning got a bad rep when it came out. I think I was a little over 100 combat when it came out. So the first 60 or so levels of familiars (?) weren't much help to me. Even up to about the high 70's summoning creatures weren't that helpful to me. Now, if I had been level 60 combat, yeah something I could make say....around level 40 summoning or so? That would be helpful .

Anyways, I've been messing around more and more with summoning creatures. There are some really cool things about them.

The macaws are great for abby spectres. Incrases my Irit+ leveled herbs.
Granite lobsters while fishing monks...awesome. They catch sharks which use to make bunyips.

Anyways, I have more to put into a proper guide and I'll get that out sometime in the next week.

1 comment:

David7raul said...

Summoning Familiars are definitely useful. A bunch of them have different uses that people don't quite know about yet. For example, the Magpie is amazing, you get about 25-40k gp/hour simply have the Magpie summoned. It collects all types of gems, ring, and enchanted jewelry, definitely handy. An ibis is great for fishing too, it collects loads of swordfish that you can later use for cooking/combat or sell for some extra money.

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