October 31, 2009

Ok. So I messed around and am posting this late. Basically, I just was waiting to see if I had anything special to post but I dont' really. So let's get on with it.

I finished the Elite Ardougne tasks and used them on Summoning. After pushing hard for my last level I realized how incredibly expensive it is. Fast, but still expensive.

Did some melee work and got 86 Attack, Defense and Strength. Then worked on mining. I'll admit, other then some fooling around in the new Living Caverns I haven't mined anything but stars in the last 10 levels. And I was reminded why. It's soooo boring but you still have to pay attention. I finally just went to the living caverns and mined there. At least that was bearable. Slow, got hit in the head with a few rocks but ended up with 88 Mining.

And that ends year 3 with 2145 levels and all diaries and quests done. What to do in the next year? No idea. There's no 99 I really want at the moment. 96 Summoning looks good. Kind of want 91 RC. 90 Mining would be good for stars, but nothing really exciting.....yet.



G said...

Grats on the levels and finishing the elite tasks! If you ever want some company running into the abyss or zmi, just give a shout.

Luckybucket said...

Hmm... 99 Firemaking is rather close. I'm sure a good strong week of training would be more than enough to knock it out. Willows and maples are both relatively cheap at the moment too, so it wouldn't be much of a dent on your wallet.

Besides that, I'd say maybe shoot for 99 Slayer? It knocks off quite a lot of other goals along the way (Attack, Strength, Defence, Hitpoints), earns a respectable profit, and it will also help a lot towards getting 99 Summoning, with all the charms it'd provide.

I have to say that I regret not keeping an eye on you after I left the clan. =o I'm just amazed at the difference between the stats I remember you having, and where your at now. I knew you were always a very talented skiller, but WOW.^^ Whatever it is you decide to do, I'm sure you'll have thought long and hard about it beforehand. =)

Current Stats

Hit Count

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