December 9, 2009

So my typical day in Runescape (weekday) looks something like this:
Log in, tele to Monastery (love that Ardy cape), grab some poison ivy berries from the bush, mine the coal an then run up and tag the jade vine.

Log out and do other stuff.

Log in, go make astrals. At some point check to see when the next star is scheduled to fall. Chase the star. If I'm waiting around for the star but don't want to go back to making astrals I'll offer bones on my altar and chat with friends. Then I'll go back to making astrals until it's time to kill the Jade Vine and Bork. Somewhere in there I'll buy battlestaffs, get sand, get pure ess, run all over Catherby picking up stuff and possibly stop in at the GE. I try to limit my time spent running around gathering things to a 5 minute spurt but it varies.

Last night while waiting for a star I got to 90 Prayer! 6 more levels til my goal.

I got a lot of responses to my post about filling up our costume rooms. So I'm thinking:

DECEMBER 19th at 3PM EST-Trouble Brewing World 104 or maybe some other one. I'll post the final world info later on.

1 comment:

RanginBalance said...

Make it (the event) part of Merch's Winter Party!

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