May 19, 2010

Finished my 11th statue.

Nearing the halfway point I have some thoughts to share on the statue.

Overall, I think I like it. At least right now it's keeping me working on something other than a straight grind. I have some other friends working on it now and it always seems more fun when you can talk to others doing the same thing you are and compare notes, tease, encourage etc. It's keeping me from doing a lot of slayer, which means I may skip a week and just slay but for now it's ok.

I do, however, have a few things I'd like to see changed.

Hunter: It seems this one always takes forever. I realize that it's random but it seems that Hunter is slow. Combined with most of the good hunting spots being camped and this one just feels like a chore.

99: I read where the mod who created it didn't want higher levels to have a higher/better chance at a rock. It's supposed to be level agnostic, which is fine. I get that part of it. But having said that, she also said she didn't really want people hunting them (the rocks). That they should just be a spontaneous part of the game. Okkkkk fine. But most people I know don't work their 99's at all unless they are going for a ranking. I really wish they would look at this and make it count for something. Mostly to get the 99's out of the way of the good hunter spots.

Diversity of training methods: To be honest, I like the choices. But they are also the most popular ways to train. I'd really love to see some esoteric way of training (werewolf arena anyone?) reward rocks sooner to get people spread out more.


Avicile Mohaili said...

It sure is helping my agility rank go zoom zoom! :D

Merch Gwyar said...

I'm right there with you on all of these points, right down to falling behind on slayer. LOL

The problem with just getting your stones as you train generally is that it isn't going to happen. I'm thinking of hunter here. When I train hunter, I'm leaping around after butterflies. They don't drop stones. Therefore, unless I train hunter with a less efficient method, I won't get my stones.

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