June 10,2010

Still collecting rocks. Planning a big dungeoneering push this weekend that I hope will finish off this run at 35 floors so I can have maximum prestige.

Toying with the idea of leaving dungeoning alone once I hit 35 prestige. 35 will be max until dungeoning part 2 comes out. That won’t happen soon so any resetting at this point just means I’ll have to keep running the same floors over and over again. Seeing as how big an impact prestige is it would seem to be a better use of time to work on other skills and let dungeoning just grow via tears until the new floors come out.

On the other hand, I can only do about 2-3 hours of dungeoning without getting bored or distracted. My original plan was to do 2 hours on Fridays and 2 hours on Saturdays. This would give me a nice balance between grinding and having fun. Which means this weekend, if I want to keep doing that, I’ll have to reset.

Otherwise, working on getting all skills to 90 by Fourth of July weekend. (Not including dungeoning). So 7 skills at 89, less then 2 million xp to go. I could knock this out faster if I wasn’t pushing on getting the rocks too.

1 comment:

rds said...

i hate dungeoneering. i quit when i reach level 79 dung.

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