WTH Is Jagex Thinking?

I'm not even going to link to it but you can find it on the front page.

Jagex has opened up a vote on bringing back old school wildy pking and free trade.

I'm just going to list out my thoughts and try not to cuss up a storm but no promises.

1) Let's start with Free Trade. I'd be fine with this IF we could go into the GE and set our prices. So if I want to sell coal for 200gp ea I can go in there and enter 200gp as my price. Maybe the ge would show an "advised range". But I really used to hate having to chase down buyers/sellers for my stuff. It was a huge pain and a fantastic way to rip people off. But if the GE remains as it is but people can trade for whatever then prices will go out of whack and become useless. I like one stop shopping!

2) Wildy pking. I was around before the end of free trade/wildy pking and I never considered pre2007 RS as the Golden Age. I'd rather deal with a rev then a pk'er any day of the week. If pking in the wildy comes back then forget about stars in the wildy, forget about penguins and we're back to forming a gang of people to help a friend with a wildy clue. To be honest, this only marginally bothers me. I'm red to most players so I'd be safe for a lot of stuff (though the people who could hit me could do some pretty massive damage fast). I rarely went into the wildy for any non clue reason before and I could go back to that now. But I'd like to see brawler gloves and all the other pking workaround stuff removed. If we're going to have to go back to the annoying days of pker's then take away all the "bandages" that have been put on pking in the interim (bye bye corrupt statius armor, and statues, and all the "fake" rewards from pking)

3) The voting mechanism. What idiotic Jagex manager thought that this was a good idea? Even a poorly run election in the most dictatorial regime could come up with something better then this. Did Jagex hire Kim Il Jong as their elections consultant? Entering your name which is at the TOP of the page registers you as a yes vote? So people who enter their name thinking that they are using it to ENTER the vote are actually VOTING? There's nothing to stop someone from creating 500 accounts and voting 500 times. Or, even easier, just go find a list of Jagex accounts and vote using all those names. Are you kidding me? Pull up high scores--there's 2 million names right there! A fairly organized group of people could divvy up the list and probably get a few hundred thousand votes in fairly easily.

So I'm left to believe one of two things:

1) Jagex had a wild Christmas party where some people got drunk off their ass and said "hehehehehe wouldn't it be funny to post a survey and get everyone all excited about bringing back the wildy?" and in that drunken state they designed their webpage and put it up without thinking about it at all and then went outside and tried to go sledding on garbage can lids. Today they are severely hungover and going "wth were we thinking?"

2) Jagex has already made the decision and is doing this to get buzz going about it.


Anonymous said...

Its clearly a trick, I have reasons to think that its an attempt on the world record for most people voting on a poll in 'x' amount of time. The pk'ing community just needs to forget and I think JaGeX is doing this just to rawl everyone up. goodfight.

G said...

I have huge issues with this as well. Not only regarding pengs/wildy stars and clues. Even if you're red to another player, you're assuming it's going to be a one on one fight. It never is. Its clan vs whoever is out there. People are saying they'll just take fewer objects. That's great but YOU LOSE YOUR CLUE. The entire reason you're there in the first place.

The voting is ridiculous. Vote Yes. There is no vote no. This is idiotic. The argument I've heard that 'not voting is voting no.' You know what, it isn't. Indifference and being opposed to something are two completely different things. They will have no idea what amount of people don't want this. I'd like to think you have more say in a matter than an account that doesn't get logged in between now and then.

And 'vote yes' with no information is stupid. What if you want the free trade but not the wildy, or vice versa? Is this going to be across every single world or are there going to be 10-20 servers with the safe wildy they have in place now? There is literally NO information on this at all.

The last comment is where I think you nailed it - they already made their decision.

Anonymous said...

*insert drug comment*

Anonymous said...


Video on the the whole situation.

Defiant36 said...

Not only are they removing use of the grand exchange they are removing their only real money sink.

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