March 23, 2011

Maybe I'm in a slump. But it seems that suddenly Jagex is increasingly.....half assed about things. First they hold the clan month kickoff the same weekend as bonus weekend. Then they ask the clans to issue challenges, race etc. But with minimal advance warning-which is fine-I guess. Then when they post the individual challenge list they don't alphabatize that list. There's hundreds, if not thousands of names. Just thought it could be dropped into a spreadsheet and sorted by name. Just....a finishing touch you know? Anyways, on to the skilling. Decided to fool around a bit in the lumberyard doing that plank making game. I kind of enjoy it and it worked well as I chatted with a friend. But I'm a fan of minigames and puzzles. Not sure what the xp rate was and how it compared but I did get to 97 Woodcutting. (I'm going to guess about 50k in 30 minutes). A friend asked for a crafting assist and I ended up at 98 Crafting. Honestly, I have no idea how I trained. Which I guess is the point. I just did stuff that I liked. Next up 99 Thieving. I know how I trained this. I got to 95 with a little thieving on weekends. I decided to spend all of bonus weekend raiding tombs. Arguably not the fastest thieving xp in the game but it was fast enough and I could do it for long enough stretches to make it worth it. Got to nearly 98 over the weekend and then just kept at it. I found myself playing less, which is fine since I have a garden to prepare, but I'd get on and push a bit and finally hit 99 Thieving and 2430 total levels.

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