March 31, 2011

Wow sorry about that last post. I reread it and realized that I had hacked together two different posts and neither made any sense. I really need to proofread better. On the 25th I got to 97 Runecrafting. Every single xp was either penguins, lamps or assists. I don't think I've actually earned 50,000 xp by making runes since I hit 91. I've been fairly consistent with doing my assists every night. When friends ask I usually do whatever they need but more often then not I use 117 Daemonheim or Assistclan and in those cases I only advertise runecrafting. The next day I got to 97 Slayer. I actually really like slayer and I train so many things at once that this one kind of crept up on me. Then tonight I went to a clan fishing event and got 96 Fishing. I've done a lot of fish flinging and an occasional hour of fishing with my clan and that's about it. Not sure how I want to train fishing once I decide to. I do try to do one round of fish flinging every day so that helps move it along without it being dull.

1 comment:

Eraser418 said...

That must have taken a while for your Runecrafting. I've going for 91 atm by crafting a mix of Astrals and Nats... still seems like an eternity.

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