July 12, 2011

Haven't been posting much. Been heads down in skilling.

Been doing bits of dungeoneering with friends and my melee skills are slowly working toward 99. Bound a primal battleaxe 100k xp short of 99 Attack. So went and found all of Clarence and been killing the various creatures in the artisan's workshop. I remember trying to find all of Clarence right after it came out. And how much I struggled and kept getting poisoned. I went this time and it took 15 minutes and wasn't any problem. Amazing what a few hundred levels (and 2 years of updates) can do.

Otherwise been working Smithing (June 27 for 97 and July 9for 98) via Artisan's Worskhop. It's expensive and not especially fast (nor especially slow) and it's one of the requirements for the Trimmed Completionist cape. No idea if I will ever go for that cape but figured I may as well get this out of the way if I ever did.

Also got a champion tacklebox. Not a huge deal but I really enjoy fish flingers. It (along with some penguins and trolls) got me to 98 Fishing.

I've been maxing out my assists since effigies came out. If my friends didn't need one I would go looking for a runecrafting assist. That finally resulted in 99 Runecrafting.

So my plan is to throw penguins and trolls at Fishing (slow, boring), do construction assists nightly (expensive) and then work my other skills in between. Looking forward to 99 smithing in a few days.

1 comment:

G said...

"(slow, boring)" You left out "awesome" in your fishing description.

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