March 16, 2008

Got this idea in my head. Hit 1750 levels. Looked through my skills and saw that cooking was only 10k away. Ok, that's easy. Grabbed 77 Cooking really quick with the monks I had in my bank. Did my usual run of farming, Surok killing etc. Realized I needed to convert my battlestaffs into air staffs or else I'd be broke quickly. Made up a bunch of cosmics and then orbs and then air staffs. By the time I finished that I realized I could level crafting pretty quickly. I still have a stockpile of gold bars in my bank from smithing. So I made a bunch of jewelry I wanted (dueling rings and some game necklaces). Then I saw.....the 228 blue dragon skins I had from slayer! Off to Al-Kharid.
I alternated tanning the skins and high alching the staffs and blue d'hide bodies. Repaired my cash position and then some. Love it. And finally got 76 Crafting. That's why I rarely sell stuff (though lately I've been selling potions high and buying seconds low).

And 1750 levels :D.

1 comment:

Vaskor said...

Gratz! Awesome 7/8 of 2000 :-)

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