May 16, 2008

87 Agility achieved on Thursday (5/15/08). I've gotten over 1.1 million agility xp in the last 6 days. I'm hoping to get to 89 before this race ends but we'll see.

Have had a bit (ok a lot) of drama the last few days. I've got some wonderful friends, although it appears that I don't do a very good job of picking them. Fortunately, the good ones pick me and that counts for a lot.

You know, sometimes you have a chat with someone about an issue of mutual concern. Then, that person uses that chat to make it sound like you're crazy/evil. In the meantime, you barely even remember that you had a conversation at all.

1 comment:

AndyMaster24 said...

I am probably not the best friend you've ever had lol, but I try. :)

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