May 23, 2010

Spent the weekend dungeoneering, fish flinging and gathering rocks. While that might sound completely random it really wasn’t. When I had big chunks of time I worked on dungeoneering. There were some times that I was between weekend activities, resting, whatever and I worked on rocks and fish flinging.

I was hanging out in clan chat and the discussion turned to how high leveled players (in this case over 120+) were rude. This is, for those who read any of the forums, also a popular topic. I really wonder if all of Runescape wouldn’t be better off if there weren’t little numbers our head. So if you saw me in game it’d say “Jaxana'” not “Jaxana (126))” It’s kind of like if in real life we had our bank account balances or years of schooling (or whatever) over our heads. Especially in the non-PvP worlds, is there any good reason to have the numbers and our names?

Get rid of the numbers. Change the colors over our names to:

Green: All chats are on

Yellow: Public is off/private is on

Red: All chats are off

Wouldn’t that be better for the community? Then I could tell if someone was ignoring me, ignoring public or had their chat off. Would at least make some people seem less hostile.

Further to that, I kind of wish I could write my own “Examine”. So if you saw me you could “Examine” and it would provide you 10 words that I put in about myself.

Anyways, this guy said something about levels 120+ being no lifers. Well, clan chat was full of 120+ people. And I got a few PM’s about it. It’s interesting, if you have low levels you’re a noob who doesn’t know anything and should just shut up. If you have high levels you’re a no-lifer who has no friends.

I know a lot of people who are in both categories. Yes, I have met a few high levels who no lifed and a few low levels who should have kept their mouth shut (not to mention a few high levels who should also have kept their mouths shut).

But I will say, when I had low levels I met a lot of my peers who were pretty smart. And who had the good sense to figure out good LEVEL appropriate training methods. See, here’s where I think the high levels sometimes go sideways. Let’s take runecrafting for example. If you walk into a chat and asked best RC xp you’d probably get told ZMI. But what if you didn’t have lunars? What if you didn’t have the mage level to tele yourself? What if…… you see my point? Low levels might train like “noobs” because that’s their best option, not because they are dumb. (And let’s face it using dumb=noob is dumb because there’s plenty of high level people myself included who do dumb things)

As for high levels being no lifers. For the record, my life has a spouse, dogs, cats, a job, a mortgage, friends I see regularly and a bunch of other stuff. RS is a hobby for me. And for most of the higher levels I know. There’s people who have been playing for 5 years. Of course they are high leveled!! Even at a few hours a week that’s enough time to get up there. I know a few people who might “no-life” a weekend. But trust me, most of the high levels I talk to…..we talk about REAL LIFE stuff. And we all have plenty of that. Calling high levels “no-lifers” is, to me, bratty behavior. Most of the high levels I know have those levels because they have played a long time, they are focused, they can plan out what they want to do well so they aren’t constantly careening from activity to activity which wastes time and they don’t do things that are utterly pointless. (Utterly pointless being defined by what does and doesn’t make sense for where you are the moment).

So anyways, I’d love for the following to happen:

1) People who consider others noobs/no lifers based on levels need to get over themselves.

2) The abolition of the combat level over our head.

3) Examine options for people

4) Name colors corresponding to chat status.


Merch Gwyar said...

Wow! I agree wholeheartedly with all of this. I'd love to see chat status rather than combat level.

G said...

1) Yes.
2) Yes.
3) Yes.
4) Yes.

Levels over your head is intimidating, especially to newcomers. I can't say it hasn't been a good source of motivation over the years, but I'd compare it to going to a gym. When you first start, everyone is red and you're there trying to figure it out while everyone can see how "green" you are. (Appropriate color, I guess)

As far as the no-life thing goes, you said it right when talking about length of time playing. I play maybe an hour or two after work, some time on the weekends, maybe put in a good block of hours on a sick day or snow day. I travel for work to tons of small towns where there isn't much to do and I don't know anyone. RS is a great distraction because sitting in a hotel room watching Sportscenter gets old really fast. Over the years, it just adds up.

Calling people no lifer or noobs pretty much screams insecurities.

Jereme S said...

This sounds like a really good idea; Post it into the suggestions on the Runescape forums. :)

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