May 27, 2010

A week or so ago I posted about how it's a pain to get hunter rocks. In yesterday's patch notes hunter rocks were made easier to get. (I did hunter last night and it took 113 red chins or about 35 minutes of hunting, I'm ok with that).

So while Jagex is working to on things to make me happy I'd like to provide them a full list:

1) Abolish combat levels appearing over our heads in non pvp worlds.
2) Make our names change color based on our chat status (see my blog post from earlier this week)
3) Change it so an uncharged glory costs less than a charged glory. Why they are the same now I just don't understand.
4) For dungeoneering, add in unfletched arrows to the drop table.
5) For farming, a seed pouch as a reward would be lovely.
6) Add in real support for clans including a clan registry. (Look at Runehead. It's just not that hard).
7) Allow me to leave messages for people on my friend's list.
8) Construction. More please. I'd like an armory. For all the random weapons I have. And the quest hall should let you store quest items (sigil, sled etc)

Going to be working on Dungeoneering this weekend. If anyone wants to do floors 26-31 large let me know. Want to get max xp on those since they are my top floors right now.


Merch Gwyar said...

I'm in agreement to all...

... seed pouch? But they stack already. Now if it's a seed pouch which carries more than one type of seed at the same time, I want one too.

I <3 the armoury idea.

Avicile Mohaili said...

#3 is so that people can swap uncharged for charged at no cost, as a lot of people can't do heroes.

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